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ACFID National Conference 2024
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Harassment and behaviour that intimidates are not welcome at the ACFID National Conference. This includes speech or behaviour (including in online discourse) that intimidates or interferes with a person’s participation or opportunity for participation in the community or the conference.

Harassment includes but is not limited to unwanted conduct based around structures of domination (related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion, etc); sexual images in online spaces; deliberate intimidation, stalking, or following; harassing photography or recording; sustained disruption of online spaces; inappropriate online contact; unwelcome sexual attention; and advocating for or encouraging any of the behaviour listed above.

The behaviour of all participants at the digital conference helps keep our Conference a safe, welcoming, and friendly space for all participants!

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed (active bystander principle), or have any other concerns, please contact the event organisers by emailing or someone you trust who can contact the event organisers on your behalf.

Any participant at the Conference asked to cease and desist harassing behaviour is expected to comply immediately.


1.    If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed (active bystander principle), or have any other concerns, please contact They will assist you. They will help participants experiencing harassment and will help them to feel safe for the duration of the event.

2.    If you have been harassed via email or social media, you may send emails or screenshots to

3.    Anyone engaging in harassing behaviour will be asked to cease immediately and removed from the online event platform. 

4.    Where the accused is associated with an ACFID member, ACFID will report to the relevant member organisation, and support the victim in making informal or formal complaints via that member organisation’s processes.  Where the accused is not associated with a member, the event organisers will follow ACFID’s Safeguarding People Policy.

5.    If an incident results in corrective action, then the event organisers will support those harmed by the incident, both publicly (where appropriate) and privately.

We are keen to learn from and improve our processes on an ongoing basis.  If anyone encounters problems or issues attempting to help a victim of harassment while following our anti-harassment policy and protocol, please contact ACFID on 02 6285 1816 to provide feedback.