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ACFID National Conference 2024
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V3.3 Change from within: supporting locally led progress towards LGBTQIA+ equality


Talk Description

Institution: Equality Australia

The Australian Government has adopted, for the first time, an explicit focus on LGBTQIA+ rights in foreign policy and the development program. In February 2023,  Minister Wong announced an international LGBTQIA+ engagement strategy and dedicated fund for LGBTQIA+ organisations. This policy shift is likely to result in an increased requirement to mainstream LGTBQIA+ equality in aid investments.

The announcement was the culmination of advocacy by a North-South solidarity coalition coordinated by Equality Australia and the Global Philanthropy Project, and comprising Australian, Asian and Pacific LGBTQIA+ movement organisations (as set out in our report, Partnering with Pride). This coalition continues today.

A core part of our advocacy messaging was the importance of aligning international support behind the strategies and priorities of local movements. It is particularly important in the context of growing attacks on LGBTQIA+ communities that claim LGBTQIA+ equality is inconsistent with cultural values and concepts like family, the nation and child protection. This requires nuanced and strategic responses that only local movements can develop.  

This policy change will require ACFID members to engage – many for the first time – with LGBTQIA+ equality. The area is not only unfamiliar, but widely perceived as sensitive. Staff of numerous members have requested resources and case studies to learn further and understand what addressing LGBTQIA+ rights looks like in practice. ACFID member personnel have also reported they are unsure how to approach the issue with colleagues, local NGO partners and local communities. Working with local LGBTQIA+ movements and communities is a critical foundation for addressing both learning needs and sensitivities.  

At the same time, further advocacy is needed to maintain and strengthen Australia’s commitments in this area. The new fund is $3.5m annually, far short of the $15m recommended by our coalition. Despite the increasing challenges from the global anti-rights movement, LGBTQIA+ groups are severely under resourced and face a likely decline in donor government funding. There are few actors currently advocating for this policy ask and ACFID and its members can play a critical role in boosting its visibility.  

Attendees will learn about: 
  • The strategies, priorities and challenges of the LGBTQIA+ movement in key countries
  • The role that Australian international development agencies can play in supporting the LGBTQIA+ movement, in both programming and advocacy
  • How Australian and other international actors have demonstrated solidarity in practice
  • What is needed from the Australian government to boost support for the LGBTQIA+ movement
The session will comprise a panel discussion of 4-5 speakers from the Asian and Pacific LGBTQIA+ movements, moderated by Equality Australia. The panellists represent a geographically varied range of case studies that illustrate instances of progress and regression on LGBTQIA+ rights. There will be a common theme of solidarity – particularly how solidarity works in practice between local movements and international actors like development NGOs. The panel introduction would also include an overview of the advocacy agenda of the coalition towards the Australian government.  


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