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ACFID National Conference 2024
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F3.6 Waves of change: Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the Pacific

Case Studies

Case Studies

1:30 pm

24 October 2024

Room 6

Concurrent Session

Talk Description

Institution: Family Planning Australia

Good reproductive and sexual health saves women’s lives, increases participation in education and economic development, and benefits individuals, families, and society. Sexual and reproductive health is a deeply personal and multifaceted aspect of human identity. Related education often touches on topics influenced by culture, religion, and personal beliefs, making discussions complex, sensitive, and sometimes contentious. 

Family Planning Australia has been working with Pacific partners for over ten years on various sexual and reproductive health programs and initiatives. One key program supports the delivery of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). The goal of CSE is to build knowledge, skills and behaviours that enable young people to make informed and healthy choices about their sexuality, relationships, wellbeing, and reproductive and sexual health. The CSE program is being delivered in youth settings and schools and includes social media campaigns across the Indo-Pacific. 

This one-hour session will explore the CSE program, including what CSE is and how the program has been implemented. It will include an overview of how CSE has been incorporated in school curricula in Fiji, FSM, Samoa, Kiribati and RMI. 

At the end of the session, delegates will have a high-level understanding of:
-          CSE and how it can be delivered
-          common challenges of delivering CSE in the Pacific – what does and does not work
-          how CSE can be applied to complement other programs and activities

The session will discuss the strengths and challenges of our CSE program, including common experiences of implementing CSE in local settings. The session will also cover how program elements can be applied in other contexts to complement activities delivered by attending delegates and the organisations they work for.

The presenters will share practical insights through the exploration of key challenges to program delivery. This will include sharing insights into delivering CSE in the context of local traditions, cultures and religion, often challenging traditional beliefs and gender roles. Presenters will also share practical strategies used to overcome common challenges to program implementation. Participants will learn how CSE implementation in Pacific Schools is more progressive than similar Australian programs. 

A representative from the Family Health Association of Fiji (RFHAF) will co-facilitate the session and share their knowledge and experience of working in CSE in country, particularly in increasing access for people with disability.  

As part of the session, participants will participate in a workshop activity from the CSE program used with young people in the Pacific. 




Rachel Sandford - Family Planning Australia

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